Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Save the Date, Y'all!

Do you hear that? What's that sound? I'm pretty sure it's the jaws of all my close friends hitting the floor as they flip through their mail to find ... my Save the Dates!* I know y'all never thought it would happen - and that is totes legit because I've been talking about sending them for, oh, like two months. In reality though, I sent them out only a couple days after my self-imposed deadline.

The major hold up in all this was my FMIL ... and the fact that it apparently takes three months to compile approximately fifteen addresses, nine of which are those of your siblings (not an exaggeration. at all. she seriously has nine siblings!) Whatever, anyway, I finally got the addresses! And with them, I got the addresses of seven couples I don't know (or know of). The thing about planning a wedding without the parentals bankrolling it, is that there's a lot more restrictions because of having a tight budget, but there's also so many more freedoms; like the freedom to make your own damn-guest-list. And limit said damn-guest-list as you see fit. Anyway, once I got over being seriously irritated about the fact that my guest list just increased by fourteen people, I took Fiance at his word and chose to believe that most of these people would not come but that they would send gifts. I like gifts. I dislike paying for strangers to booze it up at my damn wedding!

So I've been trying to figure out how to upload pictures to the blog (figured it out, I'm not entirely dim) and realized the larger impediment to this more frequent blogging with pictures of random stuff endeavor was actually the fact that I don't have a camera. Neither does Fiance. Mine is six years old and deceased. His is, well, lost. I lost it - on a trip I took without him. Whoops. Sorry, Fiance! Anyway my Dad gave us a little camera to use when we got engaged and now I can't find it - which is super lame. That being said I haven't really taken to looking for it too much. Anyway, I wanted to post a picture of my Save-the-Dates. But then it turns out I lack that ability. Sorry fans! Actually most of you probably got them in the mail, so, you know, go look at them! Hopefully on your fridge. You're supposed to put them on the fridge.

Next on My Damn Wedding - We looked at invitations! We found some that are perfect, and also cheap! The sales lady straight up laughed in my face when we stated our price range, but I soldiered on and victory was mine AGAIN! MUAHAHAHAHAHA


  1. YAYY pumped for my save the date to arrive. It will be immediately posted on the fridge ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Rest assured the Save-the-Date is on my fridge. Went straight to the fridge without any pit stops on the counter, box with my other mail, couch, etc. I can pretty much guarantee it will remain in the same spot for the 6 months! haha

    also, pleeeease figure out a way to upload potential invitations or at least google copies of it

    still so so proud of your wedding productivity!

    ps crystal your promptness in commenting seriouslyy impresses me!

  4. D: i sit in front of a computer for an avg of 6-8 hours a day... i do a lot of interneting :)

  5. AND i just got my save the date! YAYYY love it
